The TCU Nonprofit Communicators Conference offers a convenient one-day training and support for nonprofit communication professionals through interactive workshops at an affordable cost. The annual event is open to any nonprofit communicators “looking for the best way to tell their stories,” said Ashley English, a conference cofounder and strategic communication assistant professor in the Bob Schieffer College of Communication.
Our opening keynote speaker is Raúl Hinojosa, a higher education professional and nonprofit board member, to inspire us about advocacy and engagement with and for diverse and vulnerable people. Other panels include these topics: working with vulnerable populations, crisis communication, artificial intelligence, engaging with nonprofit board members, and pacing yourself for the advocacy journey. Please join us for continental breakfast, dynamic panels, workshops, lunch, and networking with others.
Date: 5/17/2024
Start Time: 9:00 AM CT
End Time: 3:30 PM CT
Dee J. Kelly Alumni and Visitors Center
2820 Stadium Dr
Fort Worth, TX 76129
Audience: Nonprofit communication professionals
- Advocacy
- Marketing/Public Relations/Communications
- Technology
Cost: $35, includes breakfast and luncheon